
Type of Related Article

Names the type of article that is being referenced, for example, a companion article, a corrected article, or a retracted article. This is not a prescribed list, but may take any text value. (See suggested values below.)

Attribute Values

In Element

Value Meaning
Text, numbers, or special characters The value for this attribute is unconstrained, but it includes values like the ones in the suggested value list below.
Restriction: This attribute may be specified if the element is used.

Suggested usage

Values defined by APA for cross-linking errata and retractions are:


used in an article that is later corrected to point to the relevant correction statement (erratum)


used in an erratum to point to the item (published earlier) now being corrected


used in an article that is later retracted to point to the relevant retraction notice


Used in a retraction notice to point to the article being retracted

Values defined by APA for cross-linking a comment-and-reply exchange are:

For articles


the original article being referenced in a comment and reply exchange


a formal commentary on a previously published or co-published article


original author's response to a review or commentary


commentary author's reply to an original author's response

For reviews (of books, software, etc.)


the original review being referenced in a comment and reply exchange


original author's response to a review or commentary


review author’s reply to an original author's response.

Use this value in PsycCRITIQUES


review author's reply to an original author's response.

Use this value in PsycARTICLES.