
Type of Alternate Title

Names the reason for or purpose of an alternate title, for example, “article-banner” for a descriptive label at the top of the first page of an article, “table-of-contents” for use in a Table of Contents, “indexing” for the constructed title of an untitled book review, etc.


This attribute can take any value. The attribute values preferred by APA are defined below. Attribute values are enforced via Schematron

Attribute Values

In Element

Value Meaning
Text, numbers, or special characters A word or phrase describing the rationale or purpose for the alternate title
Restriction: This attribute may be specified if the element is used.

Suggested usage


a descriptive label, usually identifying the type of article (e.g., "Observation", "Book Review"). Article banners typically typically appear above the formal title of an article or review (if there is a formal title).


a constructed title that is created for articles (usually book reviews) that do not have a formal title. For book reviews, the indexing title is formed as follows: “Review of” + “content of product/source”. If multiple products are reviewed, all product/source elements should be combined in a single indexing title.

<alt-title alt-title-type="indexing">Review of <italic>The Garden of Promise</italic> and <The Garden of Eden</italic></alt-title>


a version of the article title that is unique to the table of contents