
Type of People in the Person Group

Identifies the “role” of the persons being named in the <person-group> element, for example, a group of authors, a group of editors, members of the G&S chorus, etc.

Attribute Values

In Element

Value Meaning
Text, numbers, or special characters The role played by the person group in the creation/production of the article, for example “editor”. This attribute may take any value, but see the list of suggested values below.
Restriction: This attribute may be specified if the element is used.

Suggested usage

Although this attribute may contain any text, suggested types include:


Content creators


Content editors


Guest editors of a special issue


Person or persons who chaired a symposium at a conference


A person or persons who are acknowledged as contributing to a work or to the underlying research but not to the level of being identified as a primary author. In citations, the relationship is often signaled by the word "with" or the phrase "with assistance from". For example: Smith, J. Q., with Apple, J. A.


Director of a film or video


Producer of a film or video


Editors of a translated version of a work


Persons who translated the cited work from one language into another


Persons who put together a composite work from multiple sources