Within a citation, the title of a cited book is tagged as <source>; but when provided, the title of a chapter within that book is tagged as <chapter-title>.
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Any combination of:
<mixed-citation id="c34" publication-type="book-chapter">
<person-group person-group-type="author">
<surname>Bjork</surname>, <given-names>R. A.</given-names></string-name>
(<year>1989</year>). <chapter-title>Retrieval inhibition as an adaptive mechanism
in human memory</chapter-title>. In
<person-group person-group-type="editor">
<given-names>H. L.</given-names> <surname>Roediger</surname> <suffix>III</suffix></string-name>
& <string-name><given-names>F. I. M.</given-names> <surname>Craik</surname></string-name>
<source>Varieties of memory & consciousness</source>
(pp. <fpage>309</fpage>-<lpage>330</lpage>).
<publisher-loc>Hillsdale, NJ</publisher-loc>: <publisher-name>Erlbaum</publisher-name>.