
Open Access

A container element to hold metadata concerning the open access provisions that apply to a work


The <open-access> element can also be used inside <funding-group>, for statements about who paid the fees to make an article open access. Both may occur in the same article, but that is not required.

Expanded Content Model



<p> Paragraph, one or more

This element may be contained in:

<funding-group>, <license-p>, <p>


<funding-group >
<award-group id="award1">
<funding-source id="GS1" country="JP">Institute for
Bioinformatics Research and Development of the Japan
Science and Technology Agency</funding-source>
<funding-statement>The KEGG project is supported by the
Institute for Bioinformatics Research and Development of
the Japan Science and Technology Agency, ...</funding-statement>
<p>Funding to pay the Open Access publication charges for
this article was provided by the grant-in-aid for scientific

