
Author Note Group

Collection of footnotes to, or correspondence notes about, authors (and potentially about other types of contributors). Such footnotes/notes typically name one of the authors as a corresponding author, provide the author affiliation or current contact information, explain that the person has changed organizations, or provide other contributor-related material.


id Identifier
rid Reference to an Identifier

Expanded Content Model

(label?, title?, (corresp | fn | p)+)


The following, in order:

This element may be contained in:



<contrib-group content-type="primary-authors">
<contrib rid="aff1" contrib-type="author" corresp="no">
<string-name><given-names>Laura B.</given-names> <surname>Kasper</surname></string-name>
<contrib rid="aff2 corr1" contrib-type="author" corresp="yes">
<string-name><given-names>Clara E.</given-names> <surname>Hill</surname></string-name>
<aff id="aff1">Counseling and Personnel Services, College of Education, University of Maryland</aff>
<aff id="aff2">Department of Psychology, University of Maryland</aff>
<corresp id="corr1">
<addr-line>Clara E. Hill, Department of Psychology, University of Maryland, College 
Park, MD 20742</addr-line>
<ext-link specific-use="live" xlink:href="mailto:hill@psyc.umd.edu"

