
Label (of a Figure, Reference, Etc.)

The number or prefix words that appear before the title or the caption of a <fig>, such as “3” or “2.”. This element is also used for the number used as a prefix character for a footnote, reference, or reference list. This element can be used to preserve the prefix number or label of a reference or citation such as “25.” or “[Lapeyre 2008]”.


Section numbers. Section numbers are not separately tagged, but are merely part of the text of the title.

Citation numbers. Citation numbers are not typically tagged as elements, but are recorded with the @id attribute.

List Numbering. In this DTD, numbering lists items not in direct sequence from “1” is accomplished using a <label> element on each <list-item>.

Expanded Content Model

(#PCDATA | bold | italic | monospace | overline | roman | sans-serif | sc | strike | underline | chem-struct | inline-formula | sub | sup)*


Any combination of:

This element may be contained in:

<abstract>, <ack>, <app>, <app-group>, <array>, <author-notes>, <bio>, <boxed-text>, <chem-struct>, <chem-struct-wrap>, <def-item>, <def-list>, <disp-formula>, <disp-quote>, <fig>, <fig-group>, <fn>, <fn-group>, <graphic>, <kwd-group>, <list>, <list-item>, <media>, <mixed-citation>, <notes>, <ref>, <ref-list>, <sec>, <statement>, <supplementary-material>, <table-wrap>, <table-wrap-group>, <trans-abstract>, <verse-group>


<fig id="fig1">
<title>Histograms for the untransformed and natural
log transformed odds ratios.</title>
<graphic copyright="inherit" id="fig1a"

