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<app id="A">
<title>SAS Code for Converting the Fixed Contingency
Table Data Set to a Fully Nested Data Set</title>
<p align="left">data <italic>nested data set name;</italic></p>
<p align="left">set <italic>fixed data set name;</italic></p>
<p align="left">if COUNT &#8722; .5 &gt; 0 then do i = 1 to
COUNT &#8722; .5;</p>
<p align="left">output;</p>
<p align="left">end;</p>
<p align="left">drop i COUNT;</p>
<p align="left">run;</p>
<p align="left"><italic>Note</italic>. The SAS code assumes
that .5 has been added to each value of <italic>COUNT</italic>
<sub location="post" arrange="stack"><italic>jk</italic></sub>.
If the value of <italic>COUNT</italic><sub location="post"
arrange="stack"><italic>jk</italic></sub> has not been
increased by .5, then replace &#8220;COUNT &#8722; .5&#8221;
with &#8220;COUNT&#8221; in the code above.</p>

