

A section-like container element that holds one or more added notes, such as notes added in proof or editor’s notes


Such notes are typically material outside the regular technical content of the article, extra material added by the publisher during or after the regular text has been processed, for example:

<notes><p><italic>Editor’s note</italic>. Deborah Lapeyre
served as the action editor for this article.</p></notes>


id Identifier
notes-type Type of Notes
specific-use Specific Use

Expanded Content Model

(sec-meta?, label?, title?, (address | alternatives | array | graphic | preformat | disp-formula | p | def-list | list | mml:math | related-article | ack | disp-quote | speech | statement | verse-group)*, (sec)*, (fn-group | ref-list)*)


The following, in order:

This element may be contained in:

<app>, <back>, <front>, <journal-meta>


<app id="A">
<title>SAS Code for Converting the Fixed Contingency
Table Data Set to a Fully Nested Data Set</title>
<p align="left">data <italic>nested data set name;</italic></p>
<p align="left">set <italic>fixed data set name;</italic></p>
<p align="left">if COUNT &#8722; .5 &gt; 0 then do i = 1 to
COUNT &#8722; .5;</p>
<p align="left">output;</p>
<p align="left">end;</p>
<p align="left">drop i COUNT;</p>
<p align="left">run;</p>
<p align="left"><italic>Note</italic>. The SAS code assumes
that .5 has been added to each value of <italic>COUNT</italic>
<sub location="post" arrange="stack"><italic>jk</italic></sub>.
If the value of <italic>COUNT</italic><sub location="post"
arrange="stack"><italic>jk</italic></sub> has not been
increased by .5, then replace &#8220;COUNT &#8722; .5&#8221;
with &#8220;COUNT&#8221; in the code above.</p>

