

The basic structural unit of an article, typically starting with a heading that serves as the section title


Section Titles. Section titles are not required; in fact, many articles (perhaps most) start with several unheaded paragraphs that make up the initial untitled first section. Untitled sections after the first section are typically an error.

Section numbers are not separately tagged, but are merely part of the text of the title.

<sec id="S-8">
<title>8. Empirical Poodle Studies</title>

Section Separators. In many of the APA’s and their partners’ print journals, small symbols (called section separators) are printed between the end of one section and the start of the next or at the very end of the article. These symbols are print artifacts that are not tagged in the XML.

Nested Sections. In this DTD, the <sec> element contains nested <sec>, with no explicit numbering; that is, <sec>s contain <sec>s, which may contain <sec>s, as deeply nested as you wish.


disp-level Display Level of a Heading
id Identifier
sec-type Type of Section
specific-use Specific Use
xml:lang Language

Expanded Content Model

(sec-meta?, label?, title?, (address | alternatives | array | graphic | preformat | disp-formula | p | def-list | list | mml:math | related-article | ack | disp-quote | speech | statement | verse-group)*, (sec)*, (fn-group | ref-list)*)


The following, in order:

This element may be contained in:

<abstract>, <ack>, <app>, <back>, <bio>, <body>, <boxed-text>, <notes>, <sec>, <trans-abstract>


<article structure-type="article" dtd-version="0.1"
<sec id="S-1">
<p align="left">Therapist immediacy, which we defined
as disclosures within ...</p>
<sec id="S-2">
<title>Empirical Studies Related to Therapist
<p align="left">A few studies have been conducted that
point to the effectiveness of immediacy ...</p>

