
Specific Use

Specifies distinctions in the applicability of a particular element

Attribute Values

In Element

Value Meaning
dead Link is not operational
live Link is expected to be operational

In Elements

<address>, <app-group>, <array>, <attrib>, <bio>, <boxed-text>, <caption>, <chem-struct>, <chem-struct-wrap>, <copyright-statement>, <fig-group>, <fn-group>, <graphic>, <media>, <milestone-end>, <milestone-start>, <named-content>, <notes>, <sec>, <sig-block>, <speech>, <statement>, <styled-content>, <table-wrap-group>, <toc-symbol>
Value Meaning
Text, numbers, or special characters Typically used to mark print-only or online-only material. Values are not fixed, but “print-only” and “web-only are suggested.”
Restriction: This attribute may be specified if the element is used.