
Table Wrapper

Used to hold a complete table, that is, not only the rows and columns that make up a table, but also the table’s caption or title, list of table footnotes, alternative descriptions of the table for purposes of accessibility, etc.


Within the <table-wrap> element, the row and column tags that describe the table cells are defined by the XHTML table model.

Table Location. The tables within an article may be all placed inside the <floats-group> element. The location of the table within the article may be marked with the <xref> attribute, using a @ref-type value of “table-anchor”.


copyright Copyright
id Identifier
orientation Orientation
pagewide Pagewide Display
position Position
xml:lang Language

Expanded Content Model

(label?, (caption)?, (related-article | inline-supplementary-material)*, (disp-quote | search-text | speech | statement | verse-group | def-list | list | alternatives | graphic | preformat | table)*)


The following, in order:

This element may be contained in:

<fig>, <floats-group>, <supplementary-material>, <table-wrap-group>


<article structure-type="article" dtd-version="0.1"
<table-wrap id="tbl1">
<title>Categories of Therapist Immediacy in
Immediacy Events</title>
<graphic copyright="inherit" id="tbl1a"
xlink:href="pst_45_3_281_tbl1a.tif" />

# Events

Note. Based on 33 immediacy events; categories were not
mutually exclusive given that several types of immediacy
could occur in each immediacy event; each category was
counted only once per event.

1. Drew parallels between external and therapy relationships
16 events

2. Encouraged expression of immediate feelings
15 events

3. Processed termination
11 events

