A container element to hold the figures and tables that occur within an article. The <floats-group> collects all these figures and tables together at the end of the article rather than interspersing them throughout the various parts of the document where they are referenced.
The <floats-group> element is not part of the narrative flow of an article; rather, it holds the figures and tables used in the body, back matter, etc. Sub-articles (<sub-article>) may contain their own floats groups to hold their figures and tables.
(alternatives | boxed-text | chem-struct-wrap | fig | fig-group | graphic | media | preformat | supplementary-material | table-wrap | table-wrap-group)*
Any combination of:
<article structure-type="article" dtd-version="0.1"
<table-wrap id="tbl1">
<title>Categories of Therapist Immediacy in
Immediacy Events</title>
<graphic copyright="inherit" id="tbl1a"
xlink:href="pst_45_3_281_tbl1a.tif" />
<fig id="fig1">...</fig>
<fig id="fig2">...</fig>