An article that is completely contained inside another article. This model assumes that there is always an outside article, and that both the article and the sub-article have their own metadata. The container article will have, at the very least, journal information, issue information, and start and end pages; it may also have a title, author, or other metadata. The contained sub-article will have its own, independent metadata, such as authors or a smaller page range, that it may not share with the article that encloses it.
(front, body?, back?, floats-group?, sub-article*)
The following, in order:
<article structure-type="article" dtd-version="0.1"
<sec id="S-1">
<p align="left">I believe strongly in the importance
of the family doctor as a guide ...</p>
<sub-article article-type="review">
<journal-title>Families, Systems, & Health</journal-title>
<issn pub-type="eISSN">1939-0602</issn>
<publisher-name>Educational Publishing Foundation</publisher-name>
<article-id pub-id-type="apaID">fsh_26_1_106</article-id>
<article-id pub-id-type="doi">10.1037/1091-7527.26.1.106</article-id>
<article-id pub-id-type="pi-uid">2008-03990-010</article-id>
<contrib contrib-type="reviewer" rid="aff2">
<string-name><given-names>Claudia W.</given-names>
<surname>Allen</surname>, PhD, JD</string-name>
<aff id="aff2">Department of Family Medicine
University of Virginia Health System</aff>
<sec id="S-2">
<p align="left">Approximately 43% of first marriages
end in divorce within 15 years, most having ...</p>