
Name of Person (Unstructured)

Wrapper element for personal names, which can include named components such as <surname> as well as punctuation and spacing

Expanded Content Model

(#PCDATA | ext-link | related-article | inline-supplementary-material | bold | italic | monospace | overline | roman | sans-serif | sc | strike | underline | alternatives | inline-graphic | given-names | degrees | prefix | surname | suffix | mml:math | fn | target | xref | sub | sup)*


Any combination of:

This element may be contained in:

<contrib>, <mixed-citation>, <person-group>, <principal-award-recipient>, <principal-investigator>, <product>, <related-article>

Example 1

<contrib-group content-type="primary-authors">
<contrib rid="aff1" contrib-type="author" corresp="no">
<string-name><given-names>Laura B.</given-names> <surname>Kasper</surname></string-name>
<contrib rid="aff2 corr1" contrib-type="author" corresp="yes">
<string-name><given-names>Clara E.</given-names> <surname>Hill</surname></string-name>
<aff id="aff1">Counseling and Personnel Services, College of Education, University of Maryland</aff>
<aff id="aff2">Department of Psychology, University of Maryland</aff>
<corresp id="corr1">
<addr-line>Clara E. Hill, Department of Psychology, University of Maryland, College 
Park, MD 20742</addr-line>
<ext-link specific-use="live" xlink:href="mailto:hill@psyc.umd.edu"

Example 2

<mixed-citation id="c1" publication-type="journal">

<mixed-citation id="c2" publication-type="journal">
<person-group person-group-type="author">
<string-name><surname>Klimoski</surname>, <given-names>R.</given-names></string-name>,
&amp; <string-name><surname>Palmer</surname>, <given-names>S.</given-names></string-name>
<article-title>The ADA and the hiring process in organizations</article-title>.
<source>Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research</source>,


